China pulls out of Northern hybrid power projects

China pulls out of Northern hybrid power projects

China said the hybrid energy projects to be constructed on three islands in the Northern Province have been suspended.  The Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka tweeted that the suspension came after a third party’s security concerns.

The Indian Government raised concerns several times over awarding the projects to China as the three islands are in close proximity to India and that is a major issue to them. The hybrid project was won by Sino Soar Hybrid Technology in an open tender. But the Sri Lankan Government had to halt the project due to geopolitical concerns. The project was earmarked to be USD 12 million and India said they would pay that amount outright and the project be handed over to them.

On 18 January 2021, the Cabinet approved a proposal to involve Sino Soar-Etechwin Joint Venture in China to install ‘hybrid renewable energy systems’ in Nainativu, Delft or Nedunthivu, and Analaitivu, located in the Palk Bay that is around 50km to Tamil Nadu.

Over the geopolitical crisis, the Government said the project was not confirmed to be awarded to China, but the technical evaluation was going on after Sino Soar was selected.

However, the Chinese Embassy tweeted yesterday (2) that the project was suspended due to security concerns of a third party.

Meanwhile, the same Chinese company has inked a contract with the Maldivian Government to build solar power plants on 12 islands, the Chinese Embassy tweeted.

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